Format: Salary Increment Letter

 Company Name




Ref:  /HRD/01                                                                                                                                                                                       Date



Mr. xxxxxx


Dear xxxxxx,

We take this opportunity to congratulate you, and express our appreciation for your valuable contribution in achieving company objectives. We are confident that you will continue the good work in the same spirit of commitment and sincerity and grow with our organization.

Consequent to the review of your performance during the period from xxxxx to xxxxx, we take great pleasure in sharing with you your revised package for the current year, which will be Rs.xx/- Per Annum w.e.f xxxx.


Your next salary review will happen after completion of 1 year from now.


Terms and Conditions:

Appraisal Amount:
The revised compensation package has been customized for you taking into consideration your performance, company policies and related factors.

Matter of your compensation is confidential information of the company. Any discussion or disclosure of your compensation with anybody other than your departmental head or HR will be considered as breach of agreement by you.
Your compensation package is unique to you and not for comparison with other employees of the company.

All the other terms and conditions remain unchanged as per your appointment letter.


We look forward to your valuable contributions and wish you all the very best for a rewarding year ahead.

Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter as a token of acceptance of the same.



With Best Wishes.


Yours Sincerely,

For Company                                                                                  Accepted


Name & Designation                                                                        Signature & Date

